Twentysomething Comparisonitis

This is just what I needed to read today! There is some great insight in this post and its something I need to ready consistently so I don’t forget the big picture which is what I am ultimately planning for my life.

Gen Y Girl


They say one third of people in their twenties feel depressed.

I believe it, and this is why…

It seems that the society we live in today has somehow found a way to make sure that we compare every single aspect of our lives with that of other people.

It makes me kind of nauseous just thinking about it.

In our twenties, we’re paving our path, digging through dirt, figuring out which road we’d like to go down.

We’re discovering ourselves.

We’re discovering the world.

And that’s absolutely beautiful.

But is seems that every time we manage to achieve something great in our lives, we then feel the need to compare ourselves to other people.

We compare ourselves to coworkers. We compare ourselves to celebrities. We compare ourselves to that nerd we kind of knew in high school.

And you know what? That nerd is now a senior executive at…

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You Have Been Warned :)



Before I really start sharing on this blog I want to give everyone who reads it a fair warning. I am an outspoken person! I have my own ideas of what I believe to be right and wrong. I do not judge others based on their thoughts so I am asking the same courtesy of my readers. I will not purposely write anything that might offend others. However, I am not going to water down my thoughts and feelings on anything that I might write. I am writing this blog based off of my own personal experiences. If you are against women with strong minds that have a lot to say then, this blog probably isn’t for you. I feel that a blog is a very non-biased way to get your thoughts across without judgement. That is what I plan to do.

I would not consider myself like many people in the world today. I tend to agree with many social norms however, I seem to add my own extra twist to each of them. I feel that conformity is a wretched act. We were all born different for a reason therefore, we must embrace those differences and learn from each other. I do not expect everyone to agree with my thoughts, but I hope that in some way I can help you to understand that everyone has their own opinion. Maybe mine will open your eyes to more possibilities. 

Finally, I want to explain to everyone that yes I am a college student, but my major is not journalism. Therefore, I am not going to be perfect in my grammar, transitions, or other elements of writing. It takes me far too long to prepare a paper for school and I am not able to take that kind of time to prepare my blogs. 


I hope everyone will enjoy my blog! Feel free to follow me on this journey through college and all the other life experiences and thought provoking questions that I may come across through it all.